Legal Notice

This digital product provides detailed instructions for its proper use and utilization. The seller is not liable for any misuse, undesired outcomes, or negative consequences resulting from the non-compliance with the provided instructions.

It is the customer's responsibility to diligently follow all guidelines, instructions, and recommendations provided in the accompanying documentation or electronically delivered. Any deviation from the given instructions releases the seller from any responsibility for potential inconveniences, losses, or damages.

The customer assumes full responsibility for understanding and adhering to the provided instructions before using this digital product. In case of doubts or concerns, it is strongly recommended to contact the seller for additional clarification before proceeding.

By acquiring and using this digital product, the customer fully accepts the terms of this disclaimer and releases the seller from any liability related to misuse or failure to follow the provided instructions.

This disclaimer is an integral part of the agreement between the customer and the seller regarding the use of this digital product.

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